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Electrical – Thinking differently saves money

The client requested for us to price some power repair works at the site after they were given unrealistic options and ridiculous costs to complete the works. We reviewed the work and consulted with the customer to determine the most suitable methodology for works, that would be least disruptive to the site, most cost effective and also the most sustainable with longevity of service.


We presented our price and ideas which were quickly accepted! We’ve since moved forward with completing sections of the works which we’re showing now and will follow up with a final showcase of what was requested (including bunting from carpark, cables run to separate gate and security, MSB deterioration, switchboard trench) and what we did to create the best solution for our customer, stay tuned!


We've recently finished our project where thinking differently enabled us to deliver on our goals of saving the client money, having minimal disruption to the site, and providing servicing sustainability over the long term. Check out that tidy distribution board!

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